The Passive Voice
使用被動語態 be + P.P. 時,常省略了原本主動語態中的主詞,原因可能是因為主詞為不確定的特定人事物,或是主詞並不影響整句的理解,例如本課中的 "It's often called the milk hormone because it triggers the production of breast milk." 在被動語態 "It's often called the milk hormone" 後就省略了 "by people."
That man is still widely known nowadays, and his name is Jack the Ripper.
那個男的現今仍廣為人知,而他正是開膛手傑克。(省略 by people,因 people 所指太廣泛。)
The new born baby is well taken care of.
這個新生兒有被好好照顧。(省略 by someone,因照顧的人不是重點。)
The salmon is accompanied by a fresh green salad.
那道鮭魚搭配新鮮的蔬菜沙拉。(未省略 by fresh green salad,因為若是只有be accompanied 語意稍嫌不明。)