Repair Cafe
Today, there are roughly 2000 Repair Cafes around the world with meetings typically occurring once a month.
Around 25 objects per session are repaired.
Everything is free, but donations are greatly appreciated.
The cafes not only provide help with repairs, they also strengthen community ties.
Neighbours get to know one another as they work together on projects.
In addition, valuable knowledge is passed along and preserved.
Items are kept rather than thrown away, meaning less trash in landfills.
If an average broke item weighs a kilo, it's been estimated that 200 Repair Cafes prevent 35000 kilos of trash very month.
That adds up to about 420000 kilos per year.
Ginko Lee is the organiser for a repair group in Pasadena, California and helped start a group in Tainan, Taiwan.
In an interview, she described how exciting it is watching people who really want to help one another.
She has often heard visitors say, " This is the kind of world i want to live in."
Ms. Lee summed up the mission of Repair Cafes best in the following words: "Everyone is a giver and a receiver."
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