These creatures are mysterious and endangered
Considered delicious by some and menacing by others, true eels have one thing in common:
The more you learn about them , the more fascinating they become.
There are over 800 species in the order Anguilliformes, or true eels.
This includes the saltwater four-meter moray and small four-centimeter deep-water eels as well as freshwater eels.
Their bodies all have long snake-like shapes , and their skin is covered with slime, thus the expression "slippery as an eel."
Freshwater eels have long been a popular dish in Asia and in parts of Europe even though all eel blood is highly toxic.
A serum made from eel blood was key to discovering how serious anaphylactic immune responses work.
Fortunately,cooking breaks down the toxic substances, making eel safe to eat.
And people love to eat it , so much so that eel fishing is no longer sustainable.
The endangered American eel, which is sold mainly to Asian markets , has shown a 65 percent drop in the number of eels that return to spawning grounds.
The Japanese and European eels have declined more dramatically and are now classified as endangered, and critically endangered, respectively.
According to the weather forecast, the typhoon will be menacing the east coast of the island.
The girl has been menaced by the bullies at her school for almost a year.
apple seed
anaphylactic anaphylaxis
The doctor's prescription eased the patient's anaphylactic reaction to seafood.
Salmon usually go upstream in this river to spawn in fall.
You can see clumps of salmon spawn in this river in late summer.