Stop Procrastinating
I'll talk to Nicole.
We'll take care of getting that new carpet right away.
And i don't care what it costs. Just get it done.
Our office space should give people a good impression.
I'll take care of it right away.
And from now on, please don't put things off!
I won't. I've learned my lesson.
Hey, Remember those quotes for new carpet you got?
Can you locate them fast?
Sure , i have them right here.
Call them all and see who install carpet tomorrow.
And can you email a memo to everyone?
You can give me the memo,but i can't email it right away.
Well, our mail server is getting an upgrade right now.
That was supposed to have been done a month ago.
I'm ashamed to say i put off making the arrangements with IT.
So what is the memo about anyway?
I wanted to remind everyone not to procrastinate!